KODAK Depth of Field Calculator and Contact Tool
Get in focus with the KODAK Depth of Field Calculator!
Do you want deep or shallow focus? Use Kodak's new Depth of Field Calculator app to help you determine the settings you need to get the focus you want.
For example, if you are using 35 mm film, and the subject is at 10 feet, your focal length is 50 mm, and your F-stop is 8, this app will calculate your near limit, far limit, hyperfocal distance and circle of confusion. Simply enter the values you know in the KODAK Depth of Field Calculator app and instantly have the answers you need to capture the image you envision. It's easy to use and takes the guesswork out of the equation!
The KODAK Depth of Field Calculator app is designed to be used with any film format, including Super 8, 16, 35 and 65 mm. F-stops range from F1.4 - F22, with 1/3 stops included.
This app also includes the KODAK Contact tool. Whether you need a quick question answered or help with your current or future production, tap the Contact Now button, and summon a Kodak representative online. Or you can browse the Kodak directory of worldwide offices. We are here to help you!
With Kodak Cinema Tools and Kodak film, you can focus on the more important details of your work without compromise!
KODAK Film Calculator and Glossary
Capture your scenes without a glitch!
KODAK's Film Calculator eliminates the need for ongoing arithmetic, and the Glossary of filmmaking terms helps you clearly communicate your next setup.
If you are shooting 16 mm film at 24 fps with 58 feet of film left, how much running time do you have? No need to scratch your head, or try to figure out which crew member can do the correct computation. With just a few simple touches, KODAK's Film Calculator provides the answer!
Use this KODAK Cinema tool to determine the run time for any length of film in any format, including Super 8, 16, 35 and 65 mm. Film length can be entered in feet or meters. It's easy, accurate and at your fingertips whether you're on set or on location.
This app also includes KODAK's Film/Video Glossary, giving you instant access to the language of filmmaking. Vectorscope, kinescope, cinemascope - find out what they all mean. This handy tool helps any filmmaker become fluent enough to survive the production and post production process.
With KODAK apps and KODAK film, focus on the more important details of your project without compromise!
By downloading this app, you agree to the End User Licensing Agreement. To view the agreement, visit www.kodak.com/go/cinematools .
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">字段计算器和联系工具柯达深度
现场计算器应用程序的柯达深度被设计成与任何电影格式使用,包括速8,16,35和65毫米。 F-站范围从F1.4 - F22,1/3停止包括在内。
如果拍摄16毫米电影以24 fps 58英尺胶片留下多少运行时间你有吗?没有必要划伤你的头,或尝试找出哪些船员可以做正确的计算。只需几个简单的接触,柯达电影计算器给出了答案!
这个应用程序还包括柯达的电影/视频术语表,让您即时访问电影制作的语言。矢量,录像,银幕 - 找出它们的意义。这个方便的工具可以帮助任何电影制片人变得足够流畅生存的制作和后期制作过程。
通过下载这个应用程序,您同意最终用户许可协议。要查看该协议,请访问www.kodak.com/go/cinematools。</div> <div class="show-more-end">